Over the past 21 years, Boyuan Spray has emerged as a leading domestic enterprise in the spray industry, renowned for its unparalleled quality, stellar reputation, and impressive cost-effectiveness. The company has especially carved out an irreplaceable position in the cutting-edge sector. With a unique international perspective and a forward-looking mindset, Boyuan Spray has taken the global stage, forging partnerships with Panasonic Corporation, and the establishment of offices.
博原致力于為客戶(hù)提供更節能、環(huán)保的噴霧解決方案,就在昨天博原和松下共同營(yíng)業(yè)的SMT車(chē)間智能加濕系統項目通過(guò)了竣工驗收,該項目使用我們共同研發(fā)的系統后,年度耗氣量減少了77%,從46.4萬(wàn)立方米減少至10.5萬(wàn)立方米,二氧化碳排放量減少了50%,每年為客戶(hù)節省電費4萬(wàn)余元,同比減少了73%。未來(lái),博原將通過(guò)更多數量、更具規模的項目,引領(lǐng)行業(yè)的高質(zhì)量發(fā)展,持續為客戶(hù)創(chuàng )造價(jià)值,為加速實(shí)現“雙碳”目標貢獻博原的力量。
At Boyuan Spray, we are committed to providing customers with energy-efficient and environmentally friendly spray solutions. Just yesterday, Boyuan Spray, in collaboration with Panasonic, successfully completed and passed the acceptance inspection for the intelligent humidification atomization system project in the SMT workshop. With the implementation of this jointly developed system, annual gas consumption has decreased by 77%, from 464,000 cubic meters to 105,000 cubic meters. Carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced by 50% and customers are now saving over 40,000 yuan in electricity costs annually, a 73% decrease compared to before. In the future, through larger-scale and more comprehensive projects, Boyuan Spray will continue to lead the high-quality development of the humidification industry, constantly creating value for customers, and contributing to the achievement of the "dual carbon" targets.
博原噴霧新廠(chǎng)喬遷,意味著(zhù)公司將迎來(lái)更崇高的使命和更重要的責任。展望未來(lái),我們將一如既往的堅持以品質(zhì)為核心,以滿(mǎn)足客戶(hù)需求為己任,強化品質(zhì)理念,發(fā)揚創(chuàng )始人老葉總的工匠精神,并把這一精神落實(shí)到每一個(gè)崗位、每一處環(huán)節,希望在座的各位伙伴一起攜手共進(jìn),創(chuàng )造未來(lái)。
The relocation of Boyuan Spray's new factory signifies that the company is taking on a greater mission and responsibility. Moving forward, we will remain steadfast in our commitment to quality as our core value, and regard meeting customer demands as our duty. We will strengthen our focus on quality, upholding the craftsmanship spirit instilled by our founder, Mr. Ye, and embodying this spirit in every position and aspect. It is our hope that all our partners here today will join hands and move forward together, creating a brighter future.
二十一年碩果累累,二十一年星光熠熠,懷揣著(zhù)對美好未來(lái)的憧憬,博原噴霧將緊跟時(shí)代發(fā)展,堅持自主創(chuàng )新,新工廠(chǎng)迄今已全部搬遷完畢,未來(lái)將進(jìn)一步加強研發(fā)投入、擴大產(chǎn)能、拓展市場(chǎng),繼續為不同行業(yè)提供低碳環(huán)保的噴霧解決方案,帶來(lái)更多價(jià)值呈現。